In the last 10 years, honesty between suppliers and customers has gone more and more downhill. In the past, even unpleasant things were told, but today very often people simply lie! It is so much easier in order to avoid any disturbance, right?
Does this mean things were better in the past? Absolutely not.
Many things are so much better today, but, unfortunately commercial honesty is not one of them. Especially during this pandemic, which has been going on for far too long, especially in times like these when we are forced to face prices changes daily, where speculators are earning handsomely because politics is too weak to intervene, especially in these times it would be really good if the managers and the salesmen would just say openly what is going on.
Honesty might be an uncomfortable choice sometimes, but being open and clear about facing some issue gives the customer the feeling of being respected, of dealing with someone who is trustworthy, even if, at times, there might be some difficulties keeping the promises. Having no problem admitting that things are not going as we expected, instead of drowning the customer in a puddle of obscure information helps cementing the business relationship in the long run.
Delaying the delivery of unpleasant news is not always the best choice. In a time, where so many people doing business like to think of themselves as supeheroes, that make no mistakes, admitting defeat shows a strenght of character that customers (at least the smart ones) will appreciate in the long run. Business is influenced by some many factors, many of which are completely out of our control. Informing your customers, with all due consideration and manner, about what is going on with their situation, the state of their order or the reason why they are getting no useful information is a practice of commercial honesty which will set you apart from your competitors and will help gain trust which is one of the setting stones on which succesful business partnerships are built.